An expression of faith

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” Pro (23:7). For as he thinks in his heart; faith is conceived within and expressed without. Our thoughts and our hearts play a primary role in our expression – our out showing - of faith. Thoughts, conceived within, guides and actually directs the words we speak and more importantly the things we do. Our words and deeds define us; reveal our personalities; and unveil our character and attitude. The thoughts of our hearts can not be known from the countenance on our faces. But, the things within us, find a way to come out of us, through what we say and what we do. We may lie and pretend to be what we are not, but like truth buried deep, our true colours will find a way to show itself. Pretences and hypocrisies cannot hide for long, the things we ‘think in our hearts’ from being made manifest to all.

Faith is a belief, in the heart of man, so strong that it dominates his thoughts, words and deeds. Faith must first reside in the heart, before it can be expressed audibly as words, visibly as deeds and completely through patience. Our faith must be in God our creator, the source of our life; God our maker, the origin of our being. Our hearts should think of Him, of His power and His might, of His wisdom and His strength, of His love and His mercy, and of His absolute goodness towards us. Faith is to believe in Him and to think upon His promises and His words. To accept that what He says, He has the power to accomplish and bring to past. For we should not see Him as we see ourselves- limited, constrained in time and space. Rather, our understanding of Him should be of a being whose power is almighty, and whose life is endless- never ending. He is the fountain of wisdom and understanding. So, we can trust in Him.

When we believe the dreams and visions He puts in our hearts; study His word and submit to His will for us; then we can stand in the day of trials and temptation. As we meditate in His word, we create in our hearts thoughts of His goodness, power, mercy, love and of Himself. Such thoughts comfort and reassure us in time of pain, and in seasons of trials, that God is able to deliver us and save us. This is why there is no reason to doubt Him. Faith at such times is expressed as words of thanks in moments of adversity, and words of hope in moments of despair. We can trust in Him in times of trial, because our eyes see not the present circumstances, but the invisible power, strength, and wisdom of God who is able to strengthen us, help us and do us good at the end of the day.       


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