If you can believe
said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes’
(Mark 9:23 )”. All things,
possible, to him who believes; such words of great authority spoken by the Lord
Jesus himself, are not to be seen as impossible even in our day. The Lord will
not require of us, anything we are not able to do. And if perchance, it be
beyond our abilities, then in His own way, by the mighty working of His power,
He makes us capable. For “with men this is impossible; but with God all things
are possible (Matt 19:26 )”.
The power of our God is such that, there are simply no impossibilities with
Him. Consider that the scriptures say ‘all things are possible to him who
We must carefully distinguish the things we believe, the things we want made possible, to us. Since the startling implication of the words all things include both those things good and bad. For bad things are just as possible to us, if we believe them, as are good things. It only takes our believing for the impossibilities of yesterday to become the realities of today. “But believes that those things he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says (Mark11:23 )”. Our
unbelief is our greatest obstacle to becoming what God wants us to be. It is
the formidable barrier we must contend with and conquer in our battle of faith.
Unbelief is the result of basing our understanding of truth, on the things our
eyes see. To believe, we do not have to see. The whole idea of believing is
hinged upon not seeing something; but rather, on accepting with our hearts, as
true those things told or written to us. “Blessed are those who have
not seen and yet have believed’ (John 20:29 ).”

We must carefully distinguish the things we believe, the things we want made possible, to us. Since the startling implication of the words all things include both those things good and bad. For bad things are just as possible to us, if we believe them, as are good things. It only takes our believing for the impossibilities of yesterday to become the realities of today. “But believes that those things he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says (Mark
become Christians and grow as Christians; we must believe in a God we’ve never
seen. We must learn to trust and obey Him; to live in His will, by studying His
words. The Scriptures and creation are all we have of Him, and by these we come
to know, all we should know, about Him. The Lord reveals Himself through His
words, through creation. His plans, purpose, thoughts and mind are unveiled in
scriptures, to seeking hearts. We find the things we seek for. “Ask,
and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find (Matt 7:7)”. We can not
seek however, unless we believe in the existence of that whom or for which we
seek. “For
he who comes to God must believe that He is; and that He is a rewarder (Heb
11:6)”. The secret of finding, whatever we seek is, believing that it is. Our
believe compels us to seek for, and our seeking leads us to find what is sought
for. But, it must start with the belief, even before we begin seeking, that
what is being sought for exists.
The things we believe are the things we will receive. The principles
have been nicely laid down. “For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap
(Gal 6:7)”. Our beliefs form the core of our words and deeds; our words and deeds
are the things we sow; the things we sow bring forth the things we reap; the
things we reap are thus the products of our
This is how we receive what we believe.
you can only believe, all the wonderful promises contained in the scriptures
are possible to you. We have to believe that these precious promises are true.
And we must then make earnest endeavour to sow them by our words and deeds, so
that we can expect to reap only what we have sown. We can not sow good seeds
and expect to reap bad fruits. It contradicts the very words of God, “a good
tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit (Matt 7:18 )”. As we come to God in prayer, in
worship, in praise and fellowship, it is important we come believing. Expecting
to receive what we have believed. For “Therefore I say to you, whatever things
you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them
(Mark 11:24 )”.
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