An expression of faith

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” Pro (23:7). For as he thinks in his heart; faith is conceived within and expressed without. Our thoughts and our hearts play a primary role in our expression – our out showing - of faith. Thoughts, conceived within, guides and actually directs the words we speak and more importantly the things we do . Our words and deeds define us; reveal our personalities; and unveil our character and attitude . The thoughts of our hearts can not be known from the countenance on our faces. But, the things within us, find a way to come out of us, through what we say and what we do. We may lie and pretend to be what we are not, but like truth buried deep, our true colours will find a way to show itself. Pretences and hypocrisies cannot hide for long, the things we ‘think in our hearts’ from being made manifest to all. Faith is a belief, in the heart of man, so strong that it dominates his thoughts, words and deeds . Faith must first reside in the hea...