Wisdom for living

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” Pro (9:10). Wisdom is essential for living. It is the ability to judge correctly and follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding. Wisdom, we understand from scripture, is the exercise of reverence and fear for the Lord. A wise person hears and heeds the words of God. He relies on the instruction and knowledge of God in all his way. One who will be wise must patiently meditate and ponder on the laws and commandments of his Maker, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord” Psalm (1:2). Always, the things we say and do, reveal whether we be wise or not. For wisdom it is that preserves us from the path of wickedness and darkness. Wisdom demands that we do not, just, what is true and essential, but especially that which the Lord commands and requires of us. Wisdom is unveiled in the basic principles of nature. It is in the rising and setting sun, the gently blowing wind,...