If you can believe

“Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes’ (Mark 9:23 )”. All things, possible, to him who believes; such words of great authority spoken by the Lord Jesus himself, are not to be seen as impossible even in our day. The Lord will not require of us, anything we are not able to do. And if perchance, it be beyond our abilities, then in His own way, by the mighty working of His power, He makes us capable. For “with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible (Matt 19:26 )”. The power of our God is such that, there are simply no impossibilities with Him. Consider that the scriptures say ‘ all things are possible to him who believes.’ We must carefully distinguish the things we believe, the things we want made possible, to us. Since the startling implication of the words all things include both those things good and bad. For bad things are just as possible to us, if we believe them, as are good things. It only takes our beli...